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George Thorogood & The Destroyers and many others performed it – Bo Diddly wrote it. Think about new music that you’re turned on to – or a movie that one of your friends raves about. Reviews and recommendations carry great power. How can you apply this in your business? Just think about how differently the first conversation is with a prospect when they were lovingly handed to you by a good friend, verses when they randomly found you on the Internet somewhere and liked what they read. How about when you’ve collided with a colleague at a networking event versus when / if you cold call a prospect.

One way to leverage relationship is through partnerships. Who are non-competitive organizations that are willing to partner with you and co-market to each other’s clients. What about including a nice write-up about your partner in your company’s weekly newsletters or creating an ebook together that you can both promote. Think about creating joint workshops – this is good for several emails to you and your partner email lists and a great way for both email communities to see your partnership in real action. Any co-marketing relationship requires attention. How are you going to share the revenue you generate together? What about referring business to each other – are you going to provide a referral bonus or percentage of the business?

So – barring the loving, friendly client referrals and your strategic partnerships – how do you successfully create elevated trust for your prospects when they are looking through your website? Reviews… Yelp, Google Places, LinkedIn, Angie’s List – the places that people go for trusted recommendations for your business. Let’s say that you want to get your clients to build up the new listing you created for Google Places – the mobile mapping/location listing for your business. How do you get them there? Wallah – QR Codes. You’ve probably seen them in magazines, in restaurants and on other promotional items.

There are many software tools on the market today that help you collect and manage your reviews.  We are playing around with tellofy.com with one of our membership groups.

Thank you for your support & reviews – All About That Brand appreciates your business!

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