It’s super fun for me to work people through the Branding Canvas (c). When we arrive at the ‘Family & Service’ section, most everyone is stumped. They don’t realize how much they are doing for others – or for some – how service is missing from their lives.
Family and Service is a key part of your brand. Are you an only child and close to your parents, managing their care solo as they age? Family and Service will likely drive you to Branding Tribes that have flexible in-person or solely internet attendance. Are you a young parent building wealth for your legacy? Perhaps a short-term heavy work and travel tribe is where you’re headed. Are you childless and serving as a volunteer at a local non-profit with a national sponsor? You have two focus tribes – one for your non-profit and one for your career.
#23 of Napoleon Hill’s Success Principles: If you’re ever feeling sorry for yourself, look around until you find someone who is worse off than yourself and … help that person. Make this a habit and you will experience one of the great miracles of life: that which you do to or for others, you do to or for yourself.
Mr. Hill implies service work ignites our inner light bulb. What are the activities we gravitate to for our service work? During a family holiday gathering? Are we solo or in a group? Are we honored donors or anonymous?
Not yet giving back? Ask your friends and colleagues how they give back. Or, donate time doing the things you love to do.
Check out Denise, a high-tech sales person who is also a traveling photo journalist & nonprofit advocate.
My passion is traveling around the world meeting families in far off places. I am so moved by their ability to see the bright side of life when their living conditions are lacking the basics like education, clean water and medical care. My first trip was focused on providing electricity and education to a small village in Asia. Since that initial trip, I’ve made 5 more and delivered bikes for transportation, school supplies and giving the gift of eyesight, all while taking thousands of photographs.
The travel is funded via my salary and matching donations from my generous employer. My career centers on creating sincere relationships with organizations that develop healthcare technology solutions for the globe.
Though I am fulfilled with my career and philanthropy, I often struggle with personal branding which supports my career growth internally at employers and externally with clients. The branding canvas helped me pull all these details together and build a plan to tell my magical story that inspires more dreams to come true!
What a wonderful way to serve others and serve your company by doing great work. Share with us today how you are of service to the world.
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